Quick DIY Guide to White Teeth


Youtube is a place online where you can find Do It Yourself videos on almost anything you’re interested in.  These types of videos may require a little effort on your part but they’re designed to save you money in the end.  One particular video is for anyone interested in whitening their teeth with simple to use products you may already have in your home.

In this video the Youtuber gives her audience a recipe for their very own DIY teeth whitener that will remove the yellow stains from your teeth and uncover your white smile.  You don’t have to make any expensive purchases for products, most of the items used in this recipe may already be in your cupboard.

Here are the necessary steps to take to brighten your smile:

Add 1 tablespoon toothpaste in a bowl (the toothpaste can be any brand but avoid mint toothpaste)

Add a pinch of salt

Add a teaspoon of baking soda

Add 4-5 drops of lemon juice

Mix all the ingredients properly

Apply a little bit of the mixture on your toothbrush and apply to teeth

Brush your teeth for 4 to 5 minutes

As you’re watching the video check out the video stats to see what people think about this recipe.  It has over 3 million views, over 16k thumbs up, and many comments for people that watched the video.  You will want to scan through the comment section to see what people are saying and read the Youtubers response to people’s questions.

Because the recipe is inexpensive, it’s worth the try and what do you have to lose.  If it doesn’t work for you you’re not out of a lot of money and you can still try a brand product such as Hey White Smile.  You can check out our review here.

Go to website: http://jerrysproductreviews.blogspot.com/2017/02/hey-white-smile-kit-review.html

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